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Misc Useful Resources
European Social Charter (revised) Strasbourg, 3.V.1996 Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party

Modernising Social Services This White Paper spells out what the Government proposes to do to modernise social services, in line with our proposals for the NHS and for improving public health and reducing health inequalities

SOCIAL SERVICES INSPECTORATE The Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) is part of the Social Care Group in the Department of Health. SSI assists Ministers in carrying out their responsibilities for personal social services and exercises statutory powers on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health.

Richmond Performance Plan 2000 - 2001 Only Level 1 of the Commission for Racial Equality's Standard: No formal monitoring of staff with respect to equal opportunities: Does not follow the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission codes of practice on employment:. No buildings in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled persons: No comprehensive published policy to provide services fairly to all sections of the community: Ect...Ect....

Government benefits information: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Benefits Agency Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Home page of the Benefits Agency. Has the Decision Maker's Guide online at this address. They also have an online version of the (IB)204 - Sickness Certification Guidelines for Doctors, the Law Relating to Social Security (blue volumes), War Pension's Agency Green Volumes and 1999/2000 reported commissioner's decisions.
Carers Main Page
Government web site providing details of the services or benefits affecting carers. Includes draft regulations for Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000.
Department of Health Local Authority Circulars
Has pre -1995 Local Authority Circulars on residential care. For circulars after that date go to their COIN: Circulars on the Internet database.
Covers various disability aspects - Disability Discrimination Act, New Deal, Disability Rights Commission, residential training for people with disabilities.
DSS Press Releases
Sometimes useful on up and coming benefit changes or for benefit up rating.
House of Commons
For government bills and Hansard.
Human Rights Unit
Explains some of the implications of the Human Rights Act. Has sections on the implications of the Human Rights Act for various bodies (e.g. Local Authorities).
Independent Review Service for the Social Fund
Hosts their online journal which has articles and a digest of Social Fund decisions.
Inland Revenue
Has information on Disabled Person's Tax Credit and Working Families Tax Credit.
Nelligan's Digest of Commissioner's Decisions Online
Summaries of Commissioner's decisions for most benefits.
New Deal
Government website covering all aspects of the New Deal - including New Deal for Disabled People.
NHS Plan
View the NHS plan on line.
One Project
Provides details of the One pilot areas as well as partner organisations and latest information.
Open Government UK
From this site you can access government departments, local authorities and other public bodies.
Social Security Advisory Committee
Contains a description of the role of SSAC, details of the latest consultations and lists of past reports.
The Stationery Office
Online access to Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments.
Social Research Branch of the Department of Social Security
Lists the numerous DSS research reports available. Very little is available online

Independent advice on Benefits: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Child Poverty Action Group
Has online articles from "Poverty" as well as details of training courses offered.
Entitled To
Online guide to benefits plus free online benefit calculation for Working Families Tax Credit, Disabled Person's Tax Credit and Employment Credit (New deal for over 50's).
Sells benefits, legal aid and child support calculation programmes as well as their Social Security Law CD rom which also includes our Disability Rights Handbook. There is also an online benefits calculation service.
LASA Rightsnet
Pilot project linking advice agencies to the internet. Access to all for information, discussion forums, news and law updates in relation to all aspects of benefits.
LASA website
The home site of London Advice Services Alliance detailing services they can provide (publications, training, representation for people in the London area who are referred by advice agencies).
Home site for National Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux.
NACAB Advice guide
National Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux online advice service.

Voluntary sector - disability orientated: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Provides information about the use of computer technology for disabled adults and children. Sections on access for disabled, adapted equipment, suppliers etc.
After 16
Subtitled "Choices and Challenges for Young Disabled People". Has sections on money and benefits, the law, housing, travel and leisure, health, learning and work. Produced by the Family Fund Trust.
Age Concern
Home page of Age Concern England
Arthritis Care
Online information about arthritis. Provides details of local contacts, publications ordering and holiday information.
Community Care
Website of the magazine. Has legal updates.
Contact a Family
Provides support and advice to parents of children with disabilities. Has online fact sheets to download as well as a directory of specific conditions and rare disorders.
Dial UK
Homepage of Disablement and Information Advice Lines. Herefordshire DIAL Has a disability-related resource database aimed at local users.
Disabled Living Foundation
Informs about equipment available for disabled people. Online fact sheets available.
Disability Net
Wide ranging and comprehensive web site. Everything from contacts to employment. Has a very large list of Disability UKanisations on the web - similar in scope to the list published in our Disability Rights Handbook.
Disability Rights Commission 
The independent body set up by the Government to help secure civil rights for disabled people. The site describes its role and powers.
Focus on Disability
Has online articles on a wide variety of subjects related to disability including benefits.
HB Help
Primarily aimed at giving information on housing benefit (HB) for housing managers who work for voluntary organisations, local councils or other statutory bodies. Primarily sells publications and advertises courses but has some downloadable information on subjects such as HB review boards and complaining to the ombudsman.
Help the Aged Homepage
Online access to Help the Aged information sheets on various subjects, including benefits and residential care issues.
Order fact sheets and other publications on mental health issues. Details of local MIND contacts. Online press releases.
Fully comprehensive information on the Motability Scheme.
National Association for managers of Student Services in colleges
Has links to training organisations.
The Nursing Home Fees Agency (NHFA)
Provides older people, their families and carers with free advice and information on obtaining and paying for all types of care. Has a number of useful sections with examples.
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation. National disability campaigning and information service.
Resource Information Service
Provides information to help people in need due to disability, disadvantage, homelessness, poverty or unemployment. They also have a Homeless Pages which has links to a wide range of services or contacts including sections on welfare benefits, mental health and hostels.
The Rowan Organisation
An organisation of disabled people which provides disabled people with access to information, services and resources in order to increase their opportunity for independence and enable them to make informed choices about their future. Has links to disability and other web sites. Some online factsheets, including several on Community Care Direct Payments.
Joseph Rowntree
Independent social research and development charity. Contains research summaries to download, details of current research projects and how to apply for research funding.
Royal National Institute for the Blind
Comprehensive site - Gives guidance on presenting information for blind and partially sighted people on the Web.
Royal National Institute for the Deaf
Clear, regularly updated site. Large number of fact sheets available to download.
National Bureau for Students with Disabilities. Has online fact sheets which cover problem students with disabilities encounter such as getting financial help or claiming benefits.
Online information regarding tax issues
Provides information on the New Deal, One Pilots and Social Security.
Unemployment Unit
Has downloadable factsheets on the New Deal as well as some benefits information. Also has sample articles from "Working Brief".
University of Central Lancashire
Links to social work related issues, including articles on caring and disability.
Disability UK LinksLib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party

**The Liberal Democrat scandal ** Draconian Lib-Dems

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social services from Liberal Democrats Party Other Rights
Disability Task Force Draconian Lib-Dems Community Care DP Draconian Lib-Dems Disability Rights Commission Act The Euro Charter
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Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party All content is without prejudice. Disability UK is Europe's TOP disability site. We have no affiliation with any other group. Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party

social care

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