Richmond Liberal Democrats barbaric, draconian or just plain discriminative Policies. 3 Years of mismanaged Liberal Democrat purgatory. Updated 1st May 2001

In Date Order

Friday 06 April 2001: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Disabled protesters demand an apology from Lib Dem leader Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
April 6, 2001 10:01: Furious disabled residents demand public apology from the chairman of Richmond Councils social services committee, Liberal Democrat Tony Barnett. Following disgracefully discriminative remarks he made to the media last week, when he accused the disabled of being'frauds, cheats and liars' by "Pretending to be disabled".
Lib Dem Cllr Barnett refused to comment on the matter. Well, what do you expect of a Liberal -oxymoron- Democrat councillor in Richmond?

Friday 30 March 2001: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Legal suit threat against Lib Dem 'Draconian' counsel
Cash-strapped Liberal Democrat Richmond Council face a legal challenge from disabled groups over plans to tighten the eligibility criteria for residents in receipt of home care, condemning the councils consultation exercise as "deeply flawed." More than 50 disabled protesters packed the council chamber as the proposals violated disability rights and would remove vital care from adults under 65. "We have been in touch with solicitors and they say there is a case to answer".

Friday 30 March 2001: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Vulnerable worry as Liberal Democrat closures loom Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Elderly and disabled residents in the borough will face major upheaval as the Lib-Dem council presses ahead with its ruthless plans to scale down day centres along with other essential care services.
"There needs to be large warnings 'No Entry for Disabled' posted outside of Liberal Democrat Richmond. Alongside the old 'No ethnic', 'No homeless', 'No unemployed', 'No coloureds' and 'No Social Care' signs, would be an ideal place."
The councils social services committee headed by Liberal Democrat chairman Councillor Tony Barnett, 'roller coastered' the radical restructure of its day centres when it met on Monday, despite calls of no confidence in Lib-Dem council management of the borough.

Monday 26th March 2001 Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat Anthony Barnett's 'barbaric' discrimination
Social services bankrupt, care cuts, disabled discriminated against by "disabled are just pretenders" says Liberal Democrat Cllr ANTHONY BARNETT

Friday 02 March 2001: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Fury as Lib Dems sell hall. Shocking deprivation of care
March 2, 2001 10:07: Residents in Mortlake, the most deprived part of the borough, have been dealt a severe blow this week after cash-strapped Liberal Democrat Richmond Council decided to sell-off the building earmarked as their new community centre. The Mortlake 2000 report, commissioned by Richmond Council for Voluntary Services (CVS), revealed a shocking level of deprivation in the neighbourhood.

February 16, 2001 9:50: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Ofsted slams defective Liberal Democrat LEA
The Governments schools inspectorate, Ofsted, has savaged Liberal democrat Richmond's Local Education Authority for a wide range of failings, ranging from ineffective management to poor financial planning.

February 2, 2001 10:20: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Report slams Liberal Democrat care services and non existent policies.
A damning report by Government Inspectors has savaged Lib-Dem Richmond Councils children and families services.

Friday 03 November 2000:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Lib Dem Council violated vulnerable child.
What is wrong with the system in which a small, vulnerable child is violated in this extraordinary way in a supposedly civilised country, by a supposedly civilised social services in the year 2000. The social services in Richmond have swept this incident under the carpet, with the usual 'corrupt internal review'. Are we still in a democratic country? Or is Liberal Democrat Richmond council exempt?

Monday 30 October 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Investigation into adoption controversy.
Social Services draconian actions, highlights inherent racism within Richmond council. Despite calls for an independent inspection into the actions of the social services department by a judge, this was voted down by the ruling Liberal Democrats.
Instead, there is to be an internal investigation into the way Richmond Council handled a controversial adoption battle earlier this month. The decision, which related to the council's refusal to allow white foster parents to adopt a black child in their care, ahs caused national outcry. Councillors were heavily gagged at the meeting about what could be said about the case, the subject of an earlier blanket injunction by the council, but which has now been partially lifted after being challenged by the press.

Friday 06 October 2000:
Inspection under way
Inspectors from the Department of Health will be putting Richmond Council's children and families department under the spotlight this month. In the wake of diminishing social care in the Lib Dem borough, the department will be recieving a close inspection of policies.

Thursday 05 October 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat Council 'failed' in inspections
Richmond Council's inspection and registration unit has been rapped by the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) for its failure to conduct adequate inspections of old peoples' homes in the borough.
Matthew Dieppe of the SII said 'social services failed to take action against home managers who did not adequately look after their residents.'

Friday 29 September 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Homes Inspectors report blasts Richmond Liberal Democrat Council
The Social Services Inspectorate has savaged Richmond Council's inspection and registration unit for failing to carry out adequate inspections on old peoples' homes in the borough.

Richmond Lib Dem council has the lowest care facilities in UK! Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Friday 29 September 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrats slash £1.8M from elderly and disabled care
Services for the elderly and disabled are set to undergo a radical shake-up under proposals to slash £1.8 million from the social services budget as the council battles to make £6.5 million savings.
Tony Arbour criticised the council for 'penalising some of the most vulnerable groups in the borough'. Cuts in the day centre services and residential for people with learning disabilities also came under attack.
Ron Franklin said: "Richmond does not have the facilities for people with learning disabilities. "You must have the facilities in the borough, otherwise there is going to be a shortfall in care."

Thursday 14 September 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Jobs and services to be axed by Lib Dem councillors.
Tory leader, Councillor Tony Arbour, said the cuts were only necessary because of the council's financial incompetence. He added: "Year after year the Liberals raise taxes and cut services but their financial incompetence prevents residents receiving what they have paid for."
It is immoral for the council to hand over £400,000 to pay off Richmond Theatre's debts again, then cut services for older residents to pay for it. "Something is very rotten in Richmond"

Friday 14 July 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Financial crisis hits Lib-Dem council
Council deputy leader Councillor Serge Lourie announced on Monday that the council was already £1.5 million over budget and its reserves have sunk to £1.3 million - enough to keep services running for just three days. Provoking alarm among the borough's voluntary groups and fury among the council's critics who have accused the Liberal Democrat administration of financial incompetence.
The council, which already spends less per head than any other council in London, warned that only education will be protected from expected widespread cuts to services.

Friday 06 October 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Child Unit Inspection under way
Inspectors from the Department of Health will be putting Richmond Council's children and families department under the spotlight this month. In the wake of diminishing social care in the Lib Dem borough, the department will be receiving a close inspection of policies.

Thursday 14 September 2000: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Lib-Dem Cuts to Jobs and Services
Jobs and services will be axed under controversial plans unveiled last week by Liberal Democrat Richmond Council which has to make £6.5 million savings.
The council announced in July that it was £1.5 million over budget and its reserves had sunk to £1.3 million, enough for three days' expenditure.
Yet the council is handing over £400,000 to Richmond Theatre, while cutting care services. Lib Dems accused of making "Immoral" decisions.

Saturday 30 January 1999: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Why are the Lib-Dems closing us down?
Mortlake CRC, a Day Service for adults with learning disabilities, is yet another casualty of continued Liberal Democrat discrimination against those needing care in the borough. While millions are squandered and many more spent of services for Richmond's 'rich', nearly bankrupt Lib Dem Richmond continues to steal care away from vulnerable people.
One question that most of us ask is "why are they doing this to us"?

Saturday 23 January 1999 Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Lib-Dem Care Service cuts AGAIN!
Richmond's social services department is bracing itself for major cuts totalling £1 million.

Saturday 31 October 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Cash-strapped Lib Dems close ANOTHER centre
Two pensioner day centres will merge. In a bid to save yet more money, cash-strapped Richmond Council is proposing the controversial merger of two old people's day centres. Richmond Council's ruling Liberal Democrats recently closed two day centres for the elderly, Meadows Hall and St Luke's in Kew.

Saturday 24 October 1998:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat councillor Anthony Barnett tells 200 angry OAPs. It's a 'hard life' in Richmond.
Angry pensioners jeered a councillor when he refused to accept blame for the closure of Kew Day Centre. Liberal Democrat Councillor Tony Barnett tried to evade blame by 200 elderly people at a public meeting: "Don't blame me". "It's not something I like having to do, it's a hard life. Social services has overspent badly." One pensioner, speaking from the floor, said: "If there was an election tomorrow you would not get in."

Saturday 17 October 1998:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Lib Dems shut another vital day centre
Another old people's day centre is to close as Richmond Council continues its desperate bid to save cash.
"This will leave Kew and this side of Richmond with no social service cover for the elderly. This is exactly the same as the Meadows Hall fiasco."
"This is yet another example of Richmond Council trying to dig themselves out of a financial black hole," he said. "Another point is the fact it has been very hush-hush.

Saturday 19 September 1998:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Richmond's residential homes for elderly and vulnerable people will soon be run by private firms after councillors rubber-stamped the deal on Monday night. The policy and resources committee passed the proposal without discussion and refused to consult with others. "The ruling Liberal Democrat group seem afraid of open public debate on issues of concern to the community."
Monday night's decision signalled the start of a radical programme of cost-cutting measures planned by cash-strapped Richmond Council.

Saturday 19 September 1998:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Lib-Dems want to shut special schools, sell off old folks homes, cut housing .....And raise council tax!
Richmond Council's dash for cash crises. Only £3 million, enough to run the council for only two days, is in the reserves. Despite claims in the Lib-Dems election manifesto of "mastered the art of financial management", the Borough still continues to lose fortunes and cut essential services. Mr Arbour claimed the Lib-Dem plan to let outside organisations run council housing stock smacked of "financial desperation" and "political incompetence".
UNISON's Steve Cowan said: "For some of the most vulnerable people in the borough, the effects have been devastating and all the indications are that it is going to get worse."

Saturday 01 August 1998Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat Cllr Anthony Barnett tells the 'bad news'
Social services is, as an entity, facing a most difficult year of extreme financial pressure. The Children and Families Division, particularly, has to face corresponding increasing demands on its services. Councillor ANTHONY BARNETT announced, while giving another ££ thousands to theatre.

Saturday 01 August 1998:Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat leader 'cuts in services'.
Richmond Council leader David Williams has warned that the authority must "think the unthinkable" with big budget cuts.
"We will have to look at a radically different way of providing services because we have reached a watershed."
The closure of vital Meadows Hall day centre for pensioners in Richmond, Twickenham Family Centre and Richmond Under-Fives Centre has provoked uproar.
The Liberal Democrat council have been repeatedly criticised over their financial mismanagement and 'Victorian' care policy.

Saturday 08 August 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Cut council bonuses, not services Lib Dems told
Public service union UNISON has called for loyalty bonuses paid to senior 'Fat Cat' Liberal Democrat Richmond Council staff to be spent on front-line services instead.

Saturday 25 July 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Liberal Democrat Richmond Council throw elderly on the 'scrap heap'
Lib Dem cash strapped Richmond Council voted to shut the Church Road centre for pensioners.
For 93-year-old Victoria Trowsdale, "I live in a bedsit and this centre fills my day because I get picked up at 8.45 in the morning and I don't get home until 4.30pm. What am I going to do instead?"
When Richmond Council's social services department and councillors visited Meadows Hall last week, they faced the fury of elderly people whose age did not diminish their anger.
One speaker said: "All these people have friends here and they are being thrown on to the heap because you don't care any more."
The council delegation only held a public meeting at Meadows Hall after members of the social services committee voted to close it. Again contravening the right to open discussion.

Saturday 18 July 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Reports from the Jarman Index which uses Census information, show up Richmond's depriving council.
Forget the millionaire-studded slopes of Richmond. While widely regarded as among the most affluent in Britain, residents of Liberal Democrat Richmond are more deprived than average boroughs in England and Wales.
If you live in a deprived neighbourhood you are more likely to suffer ill-health, and statistically are more likely to die at an earlier age.

Saturday 18 July 1998 Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
Centres for the borough's most vulnerable families axed by 'oxymoron' Liberal Democrats.
Liberal Democrat councillors voted to close both the Richmond Under Fives Centre and the Family Centre in Twickenham. Provoking storms of protest over the councils continued mismanagement.
David McGinty said: "These cuts will strike at the most vulnerable and inarticulate people in our borough. It's a Dickensian decision.
Lib-Dem councillors have "a tarnished conscience".
In spite of Councillor Anthony Barnett's 'roller coasting' approval of these radical closures, he still insisted children and families would receive "excellent" support, leaving many to question his sanity.

Saturday 28 March 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
FURY AT THREAT TO CARE HOME from 'fat cat' Lib-Dem councillors.
A kick in the teeth is how staff at the troubled Moiravale respite care home have described Liberal democrat MP, Jenny Tonge's statement backing the closure of the facility. Staff at the home reacted furiously, knowing that cost, not care, is the councils objectives towards the vulnerable. Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party

Saturday 07 February 1998: Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party
"I don't give a damn about being fired. Moiravale is the only respite home in the borough. It's a specialist unit and respite care is totally different from residential care. We have people with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease"
Also due for closure is White Farm Lodge, a residential home for 49 elderly people in Whitton.
As usual, the Lib Dem council squanders money and, then recoups from it's 'undesirables' (disabled, infirm and those most vulnerable in society) Lib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political PartyLib-Dems, Liberal Democrat Political Party PreviousPage

**The Liberal Democrat scandal ** Draconian Lib-Dems

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