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COMMITTEE (YOUR MONEY) Committee Manager: Joanne Hargreaves.
Anthony Barnett +Arbour Cardy Gent GoldS Jones
(Client Services & Human Resources) + Kreling Lourie *G MacKinney K MacKinney
(Contracts & IT)++ B Miller Porter Summers True Williams
Terms of Reference
(a) To consider and recommend to the Council amendments to Contract Standing
Orders, Financial Regulations and the Financial Regulations for DSOs and DLOs
and to approve the suspension of Contract Standing Orders in respect of specific
To recommend and review the Treasury Management policies and annual limits.
To discharge the Council's functions in relation to Council Tax, National Non-Domestic
Rates, Community Charge and the collection thereof, Housing and Council Tax Benefit
schemes and the cashiers and income services.
(d) To oversee the preparation
of financial forecast and monitoring information.
(e) To recommend to the Council the allocation
of financial resources, Capital and Revenue Budgets and the level of Council Tax.
To ensure that the annual budget is implemented and the underlying principles
adhered to in any changes required between annual budgets.
To authorise the procurement of any goods, services or works not falling within
the terms of reference of any other committee, and the entering into of any contract
or agreement to that effect, including any lease.
(h) To discharge
the Council's responsibility in relation to the administration of the Pension
(i) To approve and monitor the Council's telecommunications, IS
and IT procurement standards and processes.
(j) To determine Personnel
strategies and policies, and the overall management structure of the Council.
Oversee arrangements for grants to voluntary organisations and make grants as
(l) To be responsible for the exercise of those functions
of the Council not overseen by other Committees, to include:
to outside bodies, Boundary issues (Borough, wards, polling districts), Consultations
and other matters arising in relation to the whole Borough or unallocated services
(e.g. GLA, Post Office, etc.), Electoral Services, Emergency Planning, Mayoralty,
civic ceremonial protocols, Member services, Parliamentary matters (except NHS
issues) and private legislation, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
(m) To oversee the management of contracts under the Local
Government Acts 1988 and 1992 (except Housing Management) and all matters relating
to Direct Labour Organisations as defined in the Local Government, Planning and
Land Act 1980 and related legislation.
(n) To have strategic corporate-wide
responsibility for all Council property assets including approving the purchase,
sale or appropriation of land and buildings where the value of the transaction
is in excess of £15,000 and approving the letting or taking on of lease (or
otherwise) of property where the annual value is in excess of £10,000 or
for a term exceeding 10 years.
(o) To make compulsory purchase orders.
(Committee Manager: Elaine Bolger
x 7275)
Anthony Barnett +Carthew Gold Lait Lourie * Mackenzie
B Miller Orchard Whittall
Terms of Reference
To agree:
the arrangements that apply to the control and management of the Council's PFI
projects and the structure and content of all contract documentation;
the business case generally and specific value for money aspects of the procurements;
the approach taken by the Council to risk allocation within the contracts;
the process used to evaluate tenders;
(e) the appointment of preferred
(and reserve) bidders;
(f) the Council's general position on key commercial
terms prior to contract negotiation;
(g) the composition of the Council's
negotiating team;
(h) variations to the Council's negotiating position
during contract negotiations;
(i) the Council's approach to third-party
negotiations (for example funding institutions);
(j) commercial terms
(subject to contract);
(k) preliminary arrangements in respect of certification
arrangements under the Local Government Contracts Act 1997 (if required) with
the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer of the Council;
(l) arrangements
for monitoring the contracts and;
(m) any incidental and related matters
to (a) - (l) above.
To meet on an ad hoc basis as required, which may be monthly.
(Co-ordinator: Robert Hancock x 7870
The Director and the Director of Finance, in consultation with a pool
of Members comprising Councillors
Barnett +Arbour, Carthew, Gold, Lourie, G MacKinney and B Miller to be
called upon for ad hoc meetings.
Terms of Reference
The Director (Opportunities for All) and the Director of Finance be authorised, in consultation with the above Members, to monitor Richmond Theatre and the financial situation to protect the Council's interests and make recommendations to the Resources Committee accordingly, and to agree any payments arising from the Council's liability under its guarantees of overdraft arrangements and of the lease rental payments by Richmond Theatre Management Limited to the Royal Bank of Scotland.
(Co-ordinator: Jeanette Phillips x 7151)
Barnett +Alexander * Mackenzie Parsons Cornwell
Community Advisers
(CVS nominees) Chris Whelan Jean Lewis
Terms of Reference
To review the current voluntary sector grants programme and to consider the development
of a voluntary sector grants strategy (Compact with the Voluntary Sector) in consultation
with the voluntary sector in order to make recommendations to the Strategy Committee
and, in particular,
(b) With reference to the current grants programme
to review:
· Impact of external and internal changes on the funding
of the voluntary sector
· The overall level of budget and the equality
of distribution among sectors
· Funding Strategy and Priorities
Funding Arrangements including core funding/project funding, longer term funding/contract
and small grants
· Occupation of Council owned/leased accommodation by
voluntary organisations
(c) With reference to the current grant process
to review:
Ÿ Application Process, including eligibility criteria
Ÿ Reporting Process
Ÿ Conditions of Grant
Ÿ Staggered grant
Ÿ Reserves Policy
(d) To consider the development of a voluntary sector grants strategy (Compact with the Voluntary Sector) which would seek to establish a framework for partnership and consultation with the voluntary sector.
(Committee Manager: Elaine Bolger x 7275)
Anthony Barnett +Alexander
*Butler Cardy (Housing) +Cornish Daglish Lee (Adults) ++ Mackenzie J Matthews
Mumford Porter Whittall (Children & Families) +M Woodriff Community Advisers:Miss
J LewisMs N Orton Mr G Pope Ms M Ray Ms M Swift Mrs J Templeman
of Reference
(a) To undertake the purchase and provision of the Council's
social care services for Borough residents.
(b) To carry
out the local implementation of national social services policies under the National
Health Service and Community Care Act 1990, the Children Act 1989 and other legislation.
(c) To carry out strategic joint planning with the National
Health Service, and to consider statutory and non-statutory consultations by the
National Health Service on service developments, rationalisations and other changes.
(d) To liaise generally and maintain relations with related
statutory and independent services, including the National Health Service, and
to consider related Parliamentary matters.
(e) To agree
the Council's Housing Strategy, to agree revisions to the Council's Allocations
Policy, and to oversee the Council's environmental health functions relating to
residential dwellings (excluding noise and air pollution monitoring and pest control).
(f) To exercise the Council's responsibilities with regard to the Housing
Transfer Agreement with Richmond Housing Partnership (RHP).
With respect
to the Council's Social Services functions:
(g) To approve service plans and strategies
and any major service developments.
(h) To set any fees or charges.
To establish any admission and entitlement criteria and award grants as appropriate.
To award contracts in accordance with Standing Orders.
(k) To recommend
to the Resources Committee capital programme bids and to monitor capital projects
to ensure their implementation.
(l) To approve the service's annual
revenue budget plan and monitor any significant variations to its expenditure.
To approve and revise the senior management structure of the Social Services and
Housing and Consumer Protection Departments.
(n) To ensure that the
delegation to the service's officers operates within the detailed scheme.
To make bye-laws relating to its services.
(p) To make appointments to Committees, Joint Committees of Local Authorities, Statutory Joint Committees, Trustees or Charities, representatives on Local Government Associations and other similar bodies.
(Co-ordinator: Peter Wilson x 7360)
Barnett +Lee Cardy Mackenzie Daglish J Matthews Mrs J Templeman
of Reference. To advise the Director (Caring for People) on responses to local
and national health service plans and consultative documents. To meet on an ad-hoc
Is it little wonder that Liberal Democrat Richmond is permanently teetering on bankruptcy, in constant reprimand from government and the worst care policy in the UK? With some Lib-Dem councillors treating the disabled with such discrimination.
**The Liberal
Democrat scandal **
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