Herbal Encyclopedia herbs obesity - weight and associated problems Disability UK

Professional Links

These are a few links to some professional (not commercial!) sites related to the subjects covered in "The Herbal Encyclopedia". You won't find commercial links here, because I don't believe in promoting one product over another. I simply believe in promoting quality herbs and quality professional care. Enjoy!

Dr. James A. Duke
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Database

American Naturopathic Medical Association

American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board
for those of you who wish to understand what it takes/means to be a Certified Naturopath!

Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy Research Group
Middlesex University London, England
Dr. John A. Wilkinson

Native American Ethnobotany Database
Dr. Daniel E. Moerman

United Plant Savers
Works toward saving our native medicinal plants

Garden Guides
A resource for gardening questions and techniques

Herb Research Foundation

American Botanical Council

Natural Wellness Center

Foraging With the Wildman - "Wildman" Steve Brill (Naturalist-Author-Broadcaster-Artist)

"Connecting Natural Medicine Worldwide"

Dr. Michael J. Kahn's Ph Balance Site
Learn why Ph balance in the body is so very important! (A "tiny" bit commercial, but something every human needs to be aware of!)

The Chamomile Times
This is a newsletter that has a wealth of information on various herbs and uses. Sometimes they ask me to write articles for them. Take a look!

ADD Helpline
A site with directories to practitioners who treat ADD, as well as a valuable newsletter.

A site that gives history of this cancer treatment, as well as other important information about it's developer, Rene Caisse.

The Cancer Patient's Workbook
A site that goes along with the book of the same name; and invaluable resource for those looking for more information and assistance.

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Safety With Herbs
Natural Diet Pills - Help or Hazard?
How to Gather, Store, and Use Your Herbs
Herbal Combinations
Herbal Healing for Pets
Herbs and Menopause
Pregnancy and Infertility
Herbs for Men
Herbs for Children
Herb and Health Articles
Glossary of Terms
Herbal Recipe of the Week
Spiritual Thought of the Week

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All Rights Reserved
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