The Herbal Encyclopedia
Disability UK
This is a listing of a few of the references used to compile the
information within the Herbal Encyclopedia thus far, as well as
books that you may be interested in for your own reference library.
It is not a totally complete listing, as some of the information is
from scribbles made on sheets of paper long ago during my studies,
or from books long ago lost or "borrowed" in some manner. I
currently have over 300 reference books dealing with the various
subjects touched on here in the Herbal Encyclopedia, so putting
them all here would merely cut down the space for the important
stuff. These are the ones that will get you started learning and
whet your appetite for more herbal knowledge. Any one of these
books will get you started on your quest for learning about how to
protect your health, or growing your own medicinal plants, or
finding your own spiritual path in life.
You will also find bibliographies at the end of the numerous
Articles that will prove useful in
your research and studies.
1) My own Book of Herb Notes - this is where a lot of my
information came from - nothing like years of practical and
hands-on experience as the best teacher!!
2) The Magic and Medicine of Plants - Reader's Digest
3) The Way of Herbs - Michael Tierra
4) Today's Herbal Health, 1st Edition - Louise Tenney
5) Magical Herbalism - Scott Cunningham
6) Advanced Candle Magick - Ray Buckland
7) Natural Healing with Herbs - Humbart Santillo
8) Planetary Herbology - Michael Tierra
9) To Ride a Silver Broomstick - Silver Ravenwolf
10) The Perennial Garden - Jeff and Marilyn Cox
11) A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook - Patricia Telesco
12) Back to Eden - Jethro Kloss
13) Evening Primrose Oil - Judy Graham
14) The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism - Simon Y. Mills
15) The Little Herb Encyclopedia - Jack Ritchason
16) Herbally Yours - Penny C. Royal
17) The Family Herbal - Barbara and Peter Theiss
18) The Natural Remedy Bible - John Lust and Michael
19) The Herb Book - John Lust
20) Natural Health, Natural Medicine - Andrew Weil, M.D.
21) Earl Mindell's Herb Bible - Earl Mindell
22) The New Age Herbalist - Richard Mabey
23) Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine - Murray and Pizzano
24) Herbs and Things - Jeanne Rose
25) All About Growing Fruits, Nuts, and Berries - Ortho
26) Illustrated Guide to Gardening - Reader's Digest
27) Perfect Plant, Perfect Garden - Scott James
28) How to Select and Care for Shrubs & Hedges - Ortho
29) Landscaping with Native Plants and WIldflowers - Ortho
30) The Healing Herbs - The Ultimate Guide to the Curative
Power of Nature's Medicines - Michael Castleman
31) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott
32) Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
33) Earthway - Mary Summer Rain
34) Rodale's Successful Organic Gardening - HERBS - Rodale
35) Herbal Healing for Women - Rosemary Gladstar
36) Women's Choices for Natural Healing - Prevention Press
37) The Green Pharmacy - Dr. James A. Duke
38) The Male Herbal - James Green
39) The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies - C.
Norman Shealy
40) Miracle Cures - Jean Carper
41) Every updated study I can get my hands on!
42) Healing From the Heart - Mehmet Oz, M.D.
43) The Grace In Dying: How We Are Transformed Spiritually As
We Die - Kathleen Dowling Singh
44) The Art of Aromatherapy - Pamela Allardice
45) The Natural Pharmacy - Skye Lininger and others
46) Herbs for Health and Healing - Kathi Keville
47) An A-Z Aromatherapy - Patricia Davis
48) Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, 2nd Edition - Murray and
49) Herbal Remedies for Women - Amanda McQuade Crawford
50) Today's Herbal Health, 4th Edition - Louise Tenney
51) The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies - Louise Tenney
52) 365 Goddess - Patricia Telesco
53) Pagan Rites of Passage - Pauline and Dan Campanelli
54) The Hopi Survival Kit - Thomas E. Mails
55) The Power of Touch - Phyllis K. Davis
56) Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs and Spices - John
57) The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions - John Bowker
58) Mitakuye Oyasin - Dr. A.C. Ross
59) Indian Herbology of North America - Alma Hutchens
60) Native American Ethnobotany - Daniel E. Moerman
61) The Pagan Book of Living and Dying - Starhawk
62) The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy -
Valerie Ann Worwood
63) Asian Health Secrets - Letha Hadady
64) The Healing Power of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs -
Reader's Digest Press
65) Proof of Herbs Against Cancer - Cynthia Sommers
66) Natural Healing for Babies and Children - Aviva Jill
67) Naturally Healing Herbs - Carly Wall
68) Home Herbal - Penelope Ody
69) Natural Medicines and Cures Your Doctor Never Tells You
About - FC&A Publishing
70) Natural Health Secrets from Around the World - Geelhoed,
Willix, and Barilla
71) Any and all of the "Chicken Soup" books
72) The Reflexology Workout - Stephanie Rick
73) Herbs that Heal - Michael J. Weiner
74) The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care - C.J. Puotinen
75) Bird Talk magazine
76) Shakkai - Lynn V. Andrews
77) A Book of Angels - Sophy Burnham
78) Angel Letters - Sophy Burnham
79) A Cherokee Feast of Days - Joyce Sequichie Hifler
80) Milk Thistle, The Liver Herb - Christopher Hobbs
81) The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by Dr. James A.
82) Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West by Michael Moore
83) Herbs of the Bible - 2000 Years of Plant Medicine by James
A. Duke, PhD.
84) The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies by C.
Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
85) The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants by Andrew
86) Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. and
Phyllis A. Balch
87) The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford
88) American Indian Healing Arts by E. Barrie Kavasch and Karen
89) Radiant Health - the Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic
Herbs by Ron Teeguarden
90) Medicinal Mushrooms by Christopher Hobbs
91) The Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody
92) The Healing Power of Herbs by Michael T. Murray, N.D.
93) Olive Leaf Extract by Dr. Morton Walker
94) Indian Herbalogy of North America, by Alma R. Hutchens
95) The Rodale Herb Book, edited by William H. Hylton
96) The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening; Rodale Press
97) The Aromatherapy Book by Jeanne Rose
98) Herbs of the Bible: 2000 Years of Plant Medicine - James A.
Duke, PhD
99) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs by Dr. James A. Duke
100) Native American Ethnobotany by Dr. Daniel E. Moerman
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Herbal Combinations
Herbal Healing for Pets
Herbs and Menopause
Pregnancy and Infertility
Herbs for Men
Herbs for Children
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