BREAST CANCER breast cancer

Breast Cancer Index Page

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the UK. The risk of breast cancer increases with age, it is most common after the age of 50. Each breast has 15- 20 sections (lobes), each of which has many smaller sections (lobules). The lobes and lobules are connected by thin tubes (ducts). The most frequent type of breast cancer is that starting in the ducts (ductal cancer), other types include cancer beginning in the lobes or lobules (lobular carcinoma), less common is Inflammatory breast cancer which causes the breast to be red, and swollen. The incidence of breast cancer has been increasing in the UK; the rate of increase has been faster in younger women, however, the cause of most breast cancers remains unknown.

What is Breast Cancer - A brief description.

What is Breast Cancer - What to look for.

Male Breast Cancer - Very rare, lots of information for men.

UK Breast Cancer Links - A number of specific UK sites and info.

Links to other Breast Cancer sites - More sites world-wide.

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