BREAST CANCER health index

UK Breast Cancer Links (32 links)

Action against Breast Cancer - ABC (UK) a charity aiming to increase survival after breast cancer through research into secondary spread. The site includes pages about the organisation, facts about breast cancer, lifestyle, research reports etc. Research at Middlesex and UCL Hospitals
BRCA1 - Breast cancer 1 gene (17q21) (Human Gene Mutation Database - Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff,UK) breast and ovarian cancer
Breakthrough Breast Cancer (UK) a charity launched in 1991 to promote breast cancer research. In particular, it supports the Breakthrough Research Centre in London.The web site includes details of research, camaigns, events etc.
Breast cancer (CancerHelp UK) Information about the cancer, diagnosis, treatment and living with the disease.
Breast Cancer - Audio Clip (NHS Direct, UK)
Breast Cancer Awareness (by Marie Nally and Nina Pope, UK) This site includes many useful UK addresses and links to information about breast cancer, together with information about self-examination, book reviews, and links to the UK Breast Cancer Coalition.
Breast Cancer Campaign (UK) a charity which funds research into breast cancer. It has been awarding research grants since 1998 via a Scientific Advisory Board. The site includes information about breast cancer, news and events, donations, FAQ etc.
Breast Cancer Care (UK) A national charity promoting awareness and providing information and support to those affected by breast cancer. The Web site includes details of services; telephone helpline, volunteer and aftercare programs, on-line booklets and factsheets.
Breast Cancer Online An independent educational service and information resource for medical professionals. Requires free registration. The site includes conference information/reports, news, journals forum, review articles, case studies, and links.
Breast care - A guide for women (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK) An on-line patient booklet including information about breast cancer awareness, lumps and pain, screening, and benign breast conditions.
Breast reconstruction (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK) An on-line patient booklet.
Breast Self Examination (Breast Cancer Awareness, UK)
Breast Specialty Group of the British Association of Surgical Oncology The Web site includes guidelines for surgeons in the management of symptomatic breast disease in the UK.
Breast Test Wales (UK) This page includes questions and answers about this NHS breast cancer screening program in Wales. It has English and Welsh language support.
Cancer of the breast (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK) An on-line patient booklet.
Frenchay Breast Care Centre (Bristol, UK) The centre is part of the Frenchay Healthcare NHS Trust. This web site includes information for patients and referring doctors; there are online leaflets, details of studies / protocols, self-examination, links etc.
Guidance on the Use of Taxanes for Breast Cancer A detailed technology appraisal by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). First issued in May 2000.
Lavender Trust (Breast Cancer Care, UK) Established in 1998, the Fund raises money to help further develop Breast Cancer Care's services and information specifically for younger women with breast cancer. The Web site includes details of the fund, events, donations etc.
MAMMO-ANALYSIS - Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) (Mailbase, UK) Email discussion list for researchers
Mastectomy - Audio Clip (NHS Direct, UK)
Nightingale Centre - Manchester Breast Screening Service (UK) This is one of the largest breast screening units in the UK and is a national training centre. The Web page includes a summary of the centre, contact details, location map and outline of research.
Questions and Answers: Breast cancer From the CancerHelp Web site produced by Cancer Research UK.
Silicone Gel Breast Implants - Independent Review Group (UK) This is a govermnent report (July 1998) reviewing evidence on links between silicone implants and health outcomes, including cancer.
The Garland Appeal A registered charity in both the US and the UK which raises funds for cancer research and to support the healing power of music. The Web site includes information about the appeal, cancer awareness, and Sir Paul McCartney's tribute to his wife.
Understanding Breast Cancer (BACUP, UK) An on-line booklet
Understanding Breast Reconstruction (BACUP, UK) An on-line booklet
Understanding Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) (BACUP, UK) An on-line booklet
Virtual Breast Clinic for the United Kingdom A Web site by breast surgeon Ashraf Patel. It includes information for patients, details of publications and links.
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