BREAST CANCER health index

Links to other Breast Cancer sites Breast Cancer - Articles that cover facts, diagnosis, treatment news, self exam, and screening procedures.
Absolute Authority on Women's Health - An excellent collection of content, community, and tools available on the subject of Women's Health. Also, features Breast Cancer section.
Accurate Breast Cancer Information from MCW - Accurate and timely breast cancer information from the Medical College of Wisconsin's HealthLink web site. The site also contains a searchable index for other health and medical topics. Free subscription.
Additional Resources for Women with Breast Cancer - Resources for Breast Cancer support and information of Breast Cancer Survivors.
Advanced Breast Cancer: A Guide to Living with Metastatic Disease, 2nd Edition - Book for sale.
American Cancer Society - Breast Cancer - Contains information about the nature of breast cancer, causes, risk factors, and the latest strategies for prevention, diagnostic techniques, and treatment options.
American Cancer Society: Breast Cancer Network - Advice, information and research on breast cancer.
Aniko Galambos - Aniko's book "An Unexpected Journey" the emotional breast cancer survival stories of 12 women.
Artemis - Johns Hopkins Breast Cancer Treatment Centre e-zine with a wide range of information and links.
Ask NABCO About Breast Cancer - Monthly on-line health column from the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) answering commonly-asked questions about breast cancer.
AVON's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade
Bay Area Breast Cancer Network - You're worried about breast cancer. You've got questions. You've come to the right place.
Bay Area Tumor Institute: Breast Cancer Prevention Trials - The only community organization in the Bay Area approved by the National Cancer Institute to participate in the first three major studies for the prevention of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Booklet: What You Need to Know about Breast Cancer - An important booklet from the National Cancer Institute on breast cancer. Highly recommended as the initial reading material for breast cancer patients and general public.
Borstkanker informatiepagina's - Information about breast cancer in Dutch. Nederlandstalige informatie over borstkanker.
Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia - BCANS has an established and friendly online breast cancer discussion forum.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Web Site - Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) web site. The Imperial Cancer Research Fund is Europes largest independent cancer research institute, carrying out over one third of all cancer research in the UK.
Breast Cancer Center - This resource center has been created especially for those with metastatic breast cancer individuals who have been initially diagnosed with Stage IV cancer or who are facing a recurrence.
Breast Cancer Education Network - Breast Cancer patients with medical experts and other people who have Breast Cancer.
Breast Cancer Education Network - Links to discussions between leading medical specialists and breast cancer patients, plus support information.
Breast Cancer Foundation for Poland - Amberheart is an independent charitable organization actively participating in the eradication of Breast Cancer in Poland
The Breast Cancer Fund - A national nonprofit organization formed in 1992 to innovate and accelerate the response to the breast cancer crisis. The mission of The Fund is to end breast cancer and to make sure that the best medical care, support services and information are available to all women.
Breast Cancer: Information - Breast Cancer: Information is a valuable weapon!!
Breast Cancer Page, - Your starting point for breast cancer information on the web. A physician guided website for cancer patients, families, and caregivers.
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation - The largest national organization dedicated solely to funding clinical and/or genetic research in breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Resource Center [] - A physician guided website for breast cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. Your starting point for cancer information on the web.
Breast Cancer Resource Center [] - Comprehensive guide to resources on Breast Cancer, including books, medical news, articles and information, message boards, links to related sites and more.
Breast Cancer Resource Locator - Third Age Health is the starting point for people over 40 for information about a healthy life. Third Age Breast Cancer Resource Locator lists internet resources, books, and support services for breast cancer.
Breast Cancer treatment, prevention and much more - A wide rage of helpful Breast Cancer information concerning treatment, prevention, diagnosis, email groups, support groups, personal stories and much more. Updated regularly.
Breast Cancer Video - A Breast Cancer Rehabilitative/ Exercise Video for Breast Cancer Survivors. Helps Regain Full Range of Motion To those Areas Affected by Surgery.
The Breast Care Center at St. Joseph Medical Plaza - Cancer symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and support resources, from The Breast Care Center at St. Joseph Hospital
The Breast Center - Located at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine is a multidisciplinary, research based clinic which provides comprehensive, patient-centered breast care.
The Breast Center at Mercy - Dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast disease. Make an appointment online, animated self-examination, information on doctors and staff.
The Breast Clinic - The Breast Clinic provides information on the symptoms, investigation and treatment of most breast disorders. The site is aimed at patients, doctors and others interested in breast disease. As well as breast cancer and benign conditions, there is a patient's chat room, "Your Experience" section and a list of links to related sites.
Breast Forms - ButterFly Image - Breast Forms, Mastectomy Bras, Enhancers
Breast Health - Your Decision - An informational resource focused on breast cancer from Tricare Southwest. Contains the entire book - Breast Health, Your Decision, also contains video and audio clips of interest and a glossary of terms.
BreastCancer.Net - News and information on breast cancer, updated daily.
Cancer Infor mation and Support International Breast Cancer FAQS - Breast cancer treatments, stages, and full description of all aspects related to breast cancer. Men and Women.
Cancer Information Network - Leading cancer information site for professional, patients and families. Includes full-text content from leading cancer publications.
Cancer News on the Net. - Cancer News on the Net. is an Internet publication dedicated to bringing patients and their families the latest information on cancer diagnosis and treatment.
CancerLinks - CancerLInks for breastcancer helps in searching for information about the disease of breast cancer with comprehensive listings of informative URL's. Breast Cancer Site - Cancer News on the Net. is an Internet publication dedicated to bringing patients and their families the latest information on cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Celebrating Life - The Celebrating Life Foundation is one of the leading foundations in the nation that promote breast cancer awareness specifically targeting African American women and women of color.
Estimating Breast Cancer Risk - Information on estimating a woman's chances of developing breast cancer and a sign-up form to order (free) the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool from the NCI.
Health Link on Breast Cancer - Information about the latest advances in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of breast cancer from physician specialists at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
High Dose Chemotherapy With Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplants - Preliminary results are now available for five studies that tested the effectiveness of high-dose chemotherapy with bone marrow or stem cell transplants (HDC/BMT) in breast cancer.
IBC Research Foundation - DO YOU KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A LUMP TO HAVE BREAST CANCER? INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER (IBC) is an advanced and accelerated form of breast cancer, first diagnosed as Stage IIIb, that usually does not show up in mammograms or ultrasounds!
In Your Shoes - Real breast cancer patients describe their experience undergoing chemotherapy.
INFO Breast Cancer - Information on diagnosis, treatment and complications involved with breast cancer and breast cancer surgery.
Johns Hopkins Breast Center - Comprehensive breast cancer services including prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. High quality, and cost-effective, while promoting research that develops innovative and improved breast cancer services.
Legacy Breast Health Centers - The Legacy Breast Health Centers offer women comprehensive, compassionate care including screening mammography, diagnostic testing, genetic counseling, and research into women's health issues.
Mayo Clinic Cancer Resource Center - Offers reliable information on options for cancer treatments. Breast, prostate, lung, skin and other types. Also includes new cancer research on treatment and prevention methods to lower your risk.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Overview and General Information about Breast Cancer
Metrolina Outreach Mammography Inc and Mobile Health Outreach Inc - Fighting Breast Cancer - Mobile mammography screenings at worksites and in communities throughout North Carolina.
NABCO Online Calendar - A year-round searchable calendar of breast cancer events nationwide including meetings, conferences and events from the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO).
NABCO Online Chat 10/13 - Transcript of online chat about breast cancer from Oct 13, 1998.
National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations - The leading non-profit information and education resource on breast cancer.
Nutritional Tips for Surviving Breast Cancer - Learn Nutritional tips from a Breast Cancer Survivor.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines for Breast Cancer - This informative and detailed site provides evidence-based, up-to-date clinical guidelines for the management of breast cancer. It is aimed mainly at professionals in the field of breast cancer, and as such the information is of a technical nature. Extensive references are included.
Smoking causes breast cancer -- firsthand or secondhand - Recent research shows: smoking 10 cigarettes a day doubles risk of breast cancer; 10 to 19 cigarettes a day gives five times the risk; exposure to secondhand smoke for one hour per day for twelve months gives three times the risk.
The Tamoxifen Citrate Web Site - The tamoxifen citrate web site is a resource for breast cancer information and is sponsored by Barr Laboratories, Inc. It contains information about breast cancer risk factors, screening, and patient resources.
Women and Cancer Journal - A journal that provides the most advanced knowledge in the fight against cancer in women.
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization - Support and information, created by women with breast cancer, for anyone who has been touched by the disease.

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