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Crocus sativus
MEDICINAL: Saffron is used as a preventative for
heart disease, as it prevents the build-up of cholesterol. It is
also used to soothe the membranes of the stomach and colon. It is
not to be taken in large doses, nor should it be taken by
pregnant women.
RELIGIOUS: Saffron is used to clean the hands before rituals. It is used in healing mixtures. The essential oil is used to induce clairvoayancy. Thrown into the air, it can bring the winds.
GROWING: Saffron grows from a bulb commonly known as a corm. It is a perennial. Plant in the fall, 3 inches deep in light, well-drained soil where it will receive plenty of sun. The three-pronged stigmas that remain after flowering is the part to harvest for healing use.
Salvia spp.
MEDICINAL: Sage is used to relieve excess mucous
buildup. It is beneficial to the mind by easing mental exhaustion
and by strengthening the concentrating abilities. In a lotion or
salve, it is useful for treating sores and skin eruptions, and for
stopping bleeding in all cuts. Chewing the fresh leaves soothes
mouth sores and sore throats, as will sage tea. It is good for all
stomach troubles, diarrhea, gas, flu and colds. As a hair rinse, it
removes dandruff. Sage combined with peppermint, rosemary, and wood
betony provides an excellent headache remedy. It is used to
regulate the menstrual cycle, to decrease milk flow in lactating
women, aids in treating hot flashes, and is used as a
RELIGIOUS: Sage is used in healing amulets, incenses, and sachets, and is also used in the same manner for bringing prosperity. Sage burned at the altar or in sacred space consecrates the area. Burned in the home, it removes impurities and banishes evil, as well as providing protection.
GROWING: Sage is an evergreen perennial, growing to 2 feet tall. It does best in sandy, limey soil in full sun.
Hypericum perforatum
MEDICINAL: St. Johnswort is useful for bronchitis,
internal bleeding, healing wounds, and for dirty, septic wounds. It
is used to ease depression, headaches, hysteria, neuralgia,
shingles, as well as symptoms that occur during menopause. It is
useful in swellings, abcesses, and bad insect stings. Studies are
showing that it may be effective in combatting AIDS by increasing
the immune functions of the body. DO NOT GO INTO THE SUN if using
this herb, as it causes blistering sunburns, especially in
fair-skinned people.
RELIGIOUS: St. Johnswort is hung around the neck to prevent fevers. Wearing the herb aids you in war and other battles, including those of the will and indecision. Burnt it will banish evil and negativity. Hung in the home or carried, it will prevent spells of others from entering, and it is used in exorcisms. If you pick the plant on the night of St. John and hang it on your bedroom wall, you will dream of your future husband. The red juice of the stems was associated with the blood of John the Baptist, hence the plant's name.
GROWING: St. Johnswort is a perennial reaching 32 inches tall. It is grown throughout much of North America. It prefers rich to moderately rich soils, and full sun. It is not long-lived, so replant every few years. Harvest the leaves and flower tops as they bloom and store in air-tight containers.
Santalum album
MEDICINAL: Sandalwood oil is used to cool the body
during fevers and heat stroke. It is also used to aid in the
passing of kidney and gall stones, and for infections in the
urinary tract.
RELIGIOUS: Sandalwood oil is massaged on the forehead and between the eyes to help center and calm the mind. It is used in healing oils and sachets. It is burned as a purifiying agent in every room of the home, and as a protective agent.
Serenoa repens, S. serrulata
MEDICINAL: Used for all wasting diseases. Also
very useful for all diseases of the reproductive glands and organs.
It is also used for the mucous membranes, as well as for treating
bronchitis and lung asthma. It's most popular current use is for
treating enlargement of the prostate gland.
Scutellaria laterifolia
MEDICINAL: Scullcap is a food for the nerves. It
supports and strengthens as well as giving immediate relief from
all chronic and acute diseases that affect the nerves. It is used
to regulate sexual desires, and is very useful in remedies for
feminine cramps and menstrual troubles. It reduces fevers and aids
in easing insomnia and restlessness. It is also used to lessen the
affects of epilepsy.
RELIGIOUS: Scullcap is used in spells that bring about peace, tranquility, and relaxation.
GROWING: Scullcap prefers moist well-drained soils. It is a perennial that reaches to 3 feet in full to partial shade. It is not long-lived, so replant every few years.
Cassia senna
MEDICINAL: Senna is used as a very effective laxative, often
used as a cleanser during a fast. It is strong, so you should
combine it with fennel or ginger. Do not use for prolonged periods
to avoid the bowel becoming dependent, and do not use in cases of
RELIGIOUS: Senna is used in love sachets.
GROWING: Senna is a shrub native to North Africa, India, and China, and grows to 3 feet high.
Ulmus fulva
MEDICINAL: Slippery Elm is used to neutralize
stomach acids. It is used to boost the adrenal glands, draws out
impurities and heals all parts of the body. It is most useful for
the respiratory system. Externally it is an excellent healer for
burns, skin cancers, poison ivy, and wounds.
RELIGIOUS: Slippery elm is burned to stop gossip.
GROWING: The inner bark of the slippery elm is the portion used for healing. It is a deciduous tree that grows 50-80 feet tall. It needs full sun and good soils. It is found from Canada to Florida, west to the Dakotas and Texas.
Polygonatum officianale
MEDICINAL: Solomon's Seal is used to treat
tuberculosis, diabetes, and wasting diseases. It is also used as a
kidney tonic, and as a healer of broken bones.
RELIGIOUS: It is added to protection sachets and incenses. It is also used for exorcisms and cleansing mixtures.
GROWING: Solomon's Seal is a perennial herb that grows from 1 - 3 feet high. It prefers moist woods, thickets, and roadsides. It prefers full to partial sun.
Mentha viridis
MEDICINAL: Spearmint is a valuable herb for
stopping vomiting during pregnancy. It is gentle enough to use for
colic in babies, while aiding in curing colds, flu, and gas.
RELIGIOUS: Spearmint is added to healing incenses and sachets to aid in healing lung diseases and other afflictions. Place some in a sleeping pillow for protection during sleep.
GROWING: Grow Spearmint as you would any other member of the Mint family. It is a perennial growing to 3 feet tall and is tolerable of many different growing conditions.
Mitchella repens
MEDICINAL: Squawvine is most beneficial in
childbirth. It strengthens the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage,
and relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries. Its antiseptic
properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections, and is
a natural nerve sedative. It is most often used in combination with
GROWING: Squawvine is a perennial evergreen creeper that grows on forest floors.
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