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Date: Saturday 02 June 2007 07:16:21

DUK Health News brings you the latest health news headlines from around the globe. Covering all the latest breaking news about health and medicine. From everyday ailments news headlines to the latest scientific advances and cures by pharmacy or natural methods. For the general public and professionals, DUK Health News site has something for everyone.
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Extreme TB Case Unfolds in U.S. Harvard-Health
FDA Bans Toothpaste From China Drkoop.com
Many sleep disorders can involve sexual behaviors Reuters-Health
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Neural stem cells may solve embryonic cell issue Hypography
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Heart Disease Marker May Predict Prostate Cancer's Course Drkoop.com
Large waist linked to acid reflux in whites Reuters-Health
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'Junk' DNA may be very valuable to embryos Hypography
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Mail online bingo Daily Mail
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Poor Bond With Siblings May Boost Depression Risk Drkoop.com
Prison Health Care Harvard-Health
Racial disparities persist in preterm birth risk Reuters-Health
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Smoking deaths to double in China without action: WHO Health republic
A page on World Health News Harvard-Health
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Advice could cut Caesarean rate Health republic
Childhood ailments linked to adult chronic pain Reuters-Health
Coping with asthma Daily Mail
Find a birth unit Netdoctor
Health Tip: Leaving Your Child Home Alone ScienceBase.com
Learn More About your Heart Beat Today Drkoop.com
NHS ETD Releases its 4th Management Briefing Informatics
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Punching the timeclock of life Hypography
Complementary health practitioners Netdoctor
Dealing with stress Daily Mail
Department of Health Showcases New Technological Innovations Informatics
Dutch try to grow environment-friendly meat in lab Reuters-Health
Experts try to 'harvest' meat Health republic
Health Tip: Sick After Swimming ScienceBase.com
On Web Searching: Pandia UK
The promise of personalized medicine Hypography
Wake Up to a Pain-Free Day: Find Relief from Chronic Pain Drkoop.com
Where I Live BBC
WHN Multimedia Page Harvard-Health

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