STRESS stress facts

Links to other stress sites

American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress 
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma. The Academy aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and to provide meaningful standards for those who work regularly with survivors. Some very good articles on their publications page from their journal "StressResponse"

American Institute of Stress 
A good American site, but limited free information, although lots of information packs etc. are available for sale.

British Medical Journal 
Contains an index of present and past issues plus abstracts of papers.

Breath Relaxation 
Dutch site produced by the first president of the International Stress Management Association Netherlands Branch. A source of information on relaxation and breathing therapy. Summaries of technical papers on breathing and relaxation techniques and details of courses.

Channel 4 - Stress Magazine
This is a very useful site run by Channel 4. It is regularly updated and has plenty of good information. It includes and online advice service.
This is for children and parents, provides information about stress in children and offers tips and ideas on how to reduce it

Health on the Net Foundation 
A Swiss based site with not a lot of content but worth keeping an eye on. Designed for health professionals.

Health and Safety Executive 
The government organisation for health & safety standards in the UK. Has a number of publications on workplace stress. If you are suffering from stress at work try

International Labour Organisation 
The International Labour Organisation (ILO), is a specialised agency associated with the United Nations (UN), whose worldwide objectives are to improve labour conditions. This section of their website has a considerable amount of information with specialist info for air traffic controllers, assembly line workers, bus drivers, offshore oil and gas workers and nursing. A very useful site.

Manchester University - School of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences.
Index to published papers. This is an interesting document but highlights a problem. Many technical papers are listed on the Web but the papers themselves are not available. You now have to track down the documents, at least you have got the correct reference.

International Stress Management Association
This is a new site set up by the American branch of ISMA. Another good source of advice and information.

Mental Health Foundation 
UK's only charity concerned with both mental illness and learning disabilities. A comprehensive web site with many good articles and links.

Mental Health Net 
A very well designed American commercial site. It is well worth looking at.

This site has two good series of articles one on stress and one on mindmaps. The site is well laid out and worth looking at. There are also some interesting links.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH is the US Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work related illness and injury. This link takes you to their excellent paper on Stress at Work.

NHS Direct
The is the website of the National Health Service advice service NHS Direct. No information on stress at present but there is a section on depression.

PsychNet-UK A UK based directory of over 5500 Internet psychology resources. If you interested in psychology this is the place to look.

Royal College of Psychiatrists
Has some well designed pages giving information on Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Problems etc.

Royal & SunAlliance
A very nice site split into two sections one for adults and the other for younger people. A good balance of sound advice that is also bright and interesting.

Securing Health Together
Securing Health Together is a long-term occupational health strategy for England Scotland and Wales. This website aims to share good practice in occupational health.

Success Unlimited
Tim Field founder of the National Workplace Bullying Helpline runs this site, information on Bullying and PTSD. An excellent lots of good information and sound advice. If you have problems at work this should be your first stop.

Team Technology
This is a training organisation not stress management specialists but their article on "Managing Stress" is excellent. This link goes straight to the article. The whole site is well worth a look particularly the articles on Myers-Briggs.

US National Library of Medicine 
A very comprehensive site but not the easiest place to find your way around. Try the Medline database as a start.

Wesley Sime's Homepage 
Wes Sime is Professor in Health and Human Performance at the University of Nebraska. Site has notes from his classes and workshops on stress.

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