Cancer of the prostate (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK) An on-line patient booklet.
NHS Prostate Cancer Programme This includes a summary and a detailed document about the programme availible in PDF format.
Orchid Cancer Appeal (UK) The Orchid Appeal charity was launched in October 1997 and aims to promote research and raise awareness of postate and testicular cancer. The site includes details about the Appeal, about the cancers, newsletter, doctor's info, and links.
Prostate cancer (CancerHelp UK) Information about the cancer, diagnosis, treatment and living with the disease.
Prostate Cancer - Fact Sheet Cancer Research UK
Prostate Cancer Charity (UK) A charity launched in 1996 to increase awareness provide support and fund research into prostate cancer, with 12,000 new patients being diagnosed each year in the UK. The site includes information about the prostate, cancer, treatments, FAQ etc
Prostate Help Assocaition (UK) A support group for all types of prostate problems including prostate cancer.
Questions and Answers: Prostate cancer From the CancerHelp Web site produced by Cancer Research UK.
Scottish Association of Prostate Cancer Support Groups (Scotland, UK) the association was founded by prostate cancer patients and their families in April 1999 to a network of regional support groups and raise awareness of prostate cancer. Registered Scottish charity No.029158.
Understanding Cancer of the Prostate (BACUP, UK) An on-line
Majeed A, et al. Trends in prostate cancer incidence, mortality and survival in England and Wales 1971-1998.
BJU Int 2000;85(9):1058-62 Related articles (PubMed)
See also International Prostate Cancer Resources
See also UK National Cancer Organisations
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